Wednesday, March 30, 2011

This is it – my first blog post.  This is uncharted territory for me and I’ll have to admit that it took me a few tries before I finally gathered the courage to actually put together a profile and post.  There is so much to learn! 
This blog would perhaps be better titled “Growing Up in My Fifties”.  I didn’t actually grow up in the ‘50s;  I was born in the 50s but that was about it.  No, this is more about me learning about the world now and feeling like I’m growing – maturing, developing – now that I’m back at work.  The kid is all grown up and now I get to grow up.  Again.
I’m still not sure what I want this blog to be or to be about – I just know that I feel like I have something to say and nowhere to say it.   I do a lot of writing in my job, but I write words for other people.  I write about things and events, but not on my own behalf.  I want a place to write for myself, and this is where I have chosen to make my voice heard.
For now, I offer this as an introduction.  And when I come back … well, I’ll see how I deal with this new way of speaking.  It’s interesting, it’s exciting and …. it’s scary.