Saturday, April 21, 2012

It's been a long time ....

Do you ever get part of a song stuck in your head, and have it live there for a day or so?

I've had one line of a song running through my brain for almost a week.  It's a song I hear at work when I'm half-listening to an online radio station.  I don't even know if I've got the right words - I just googled the line to see if I could find the lyrics, song or artist, and found nothing.  

Yet the line of the song - or what I think it is - runs through my head incessantly:  "It's been a long time since I've been grateful."

I have no idea in what context the line is used - it could be anything.  And it might not even be the right words.  Yet those are the words I hear - "It's been a long time since I've been grateful".  I feel like someone is trying to tell me something.

Maybe that's because there's some truth in it for me - it feels like it's been a long time since I've been truly grateful.  Yes, I'm grateful at Thanksgiving and on special occasions, just as anyone would be.  But truly, honestly, deeply grateful ... well, not so much lately.  Since the new year I've been focussing on the not-so-great things in my life - the loss of my pooch, what seems to be an endless number of health and physical ailments, how difficult a year it is at work, things I don't have.  I won't say I wallow in misery, but I can't say I've tried very hard to rise above.

And now I am haunted by the words "it's a long time since I've been grateful".  It's like a kick in the pants to start seeing all the good in my life - there is plenty of it and plenty to be grateful for.   It's definitely time to turn things around.  Maybe if I do, I'll get rid of that line running through my head and I get different background music for my thoughts.