Thursday, September 13, 2012

Happy New Year (yes, really)

Summer is pretty much over.  Or it is for me – once Labour Day hits, I’m ready for warmer clothes, fall foliage and comfort food.  That’s what I want.  What I get is quite different – we still have days of hot, humid weather and the summer flowers are blooming brighter than ever.  It’s too soon to get that pot of soup bubbling on the stove.

I know the calendar says we are finishing up the third quarter of the year, but in my mind, Labour Day signals the beginning of the new year.  After two months of summer casual, it’s back to the rhythms and routines of the other ten months.  It’s back to school and back to work; back to business as usual. More importantly, it’s the time for new beginnings:  a new class, a new hobby, or even a whole new routine.
This is why the calendar new year isn’t very meaningful for me.  That’s just a date on a page with no break between the old year and the new.  My new year begins at Labour Day, when I feel refreshed after a summer of more casual living.  That’s when I feel there are new opportunities, wider horizons and anything seems possible.
Happy new year to all you like-minded folk.