Friday, February 22, 2013

Last vestiges of Christmas

There is usually some Christmas ornament or decoration that gets overlooked when we are cleaning up after Christmas.  This year we were pretty thorough and went through the house, room by room, and were certain that nothing seasonal was still hanging around.   

I know we’re not the only ones who miss these things – we were recently at my brother’s house and there, hanging from the dining room light fixture, were small Christmas balls and over there, behind the couch, was a tall glass jar of sparkly Christmas ornaments.   

Turns out we weren’t so thorough ourselves.  Do you know what I found the other day?  On our front door still hangs the Christmas bow I had specially made for the door knocker and on the door from the back deck into the garage hangs the swag of (now not-so-) fresh greens I happily hung there over two months ago.   

How could I have missed these things – they aren't small and I see them every day.  Now I’m going to have to go around the house again and try to see with a fresh eye if there’s anything else I missed.