Saturday, September 5, 2015

What a year ...

I mentioned earlier that this has been an eventful year.  Unfortunately, eventful has also meant stressful and we - Jim and I - are both experiencing a really bad year.  We've had things happen that affect both of us, and it's easily the hardest year we've had in the 30-plus years we've been married.

It's not just the sale of our house and the move to a different kind of house in a totally different kind of neighbourhood (although the move is a whole story in itself - let's just say we chose poorly when we chose our mover); it goes way beyond that.  It's about potential job loss - twice.  It's about health scares.  And mostly it's about health scares becoming reality.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer on the same day our house deal went through.  On a day when I should have been happy, I was in tears because I'd just read a report that said I had breast cancer.  Somehow, a step got missed and instead of my doctor telling me I had cancer, I received a phone call from my doctor's office that I had an appointment with a surgeon the next day, and would I please pick up the CD with all the test results and take it with me.  It was in the packet with the CD that I found the report that said I had cancer.   

That was back in May, and since then I've had surgery and have started treatment.  Boy, have I learned a lot in the few months since I was diagnosed.  And what I've learned is mostly what I'll be talking about in subsequent posts.  

But it won't all be about the cancer and treatment, though - it can never be all about the cancer.  My life cannot be all about cancer, although right now it takes up a lot of my time and energy.  One of the things I  have learned is that having cancer is, at times, almost a full time job - there's not much room for anything else.  But I have to make room for other things and think about other things because another thing I've learned is that once I start thinking about cancer too much, the fear takes over and cancer is all I think about.  I can't let that happen. 

So here begins the conversation I never thought I would have.