Thursday, April 27, 2017

It's been a long time ...

It’s been well over a year since my last post, and I’m thrilled to say the time that’s passed has been a lot less eventful than the year from hell I last talked about.

So … to catch up a bit …

I’m now in the “I have/had cancer club”. I’m not clear on whether I’m considered to still have cancer or not … I prefer to think of it as a thing of the past, but my oncologist is less willing to use words like “cure” or “had” … she likes “remission”, which sounds a whole lot more dire than I like.  But the “chemo club” membership has long expired – thank goodness.

I feel well!  I found that chemo gives you long-lasting side effects that can be annoying but, at least for me, they are easily managed or accepted and overall I’ve returned to good health. 

I still think it’s a bit weird that I had cancer, that chemo and radiation (that came after the chemo and was a relative breeze) were as do-able as they were, and that life didn’t stop because of the cancer.

That said, I’m a little shocked at how much the fact that I had cancer continues to creep into my thoughts and plans.  I don’t dwell on it, but thoughts of recurrence are not too deeply buried, and can arise unexpectedly. I suppose it takes time for those unwelcome thoughts to become fewer, but I have it on good authority that they never really go away. I can accept that.  Who doesn’t have experiences from their past intrude on their present and thoughts of their future?

And I’m finding a renewed interest in this blog, so perhaps I’ll be back here more often.