Sunday, December 23, 2012


It's two days before Christmas and I am in my happy place.  It took a mental boot in the butt to get me here, and it was definitely worth it.  I'd have been upset with myself if I'd allowed a Christmas season to go by without enjoying it. 

And there's so much to enjoy.  The kid is home for longer than just a few days, my sister arrived yesterday and we've already had one family gathering - I'm looking forward to at least one or two more. 

I am not known to be a social person; in fact, I can be downright un-social.  Give me alone time and I am at my happiest.  Give me my small family and no one else and I'm happy.  Or that's the case most of the time.  The two notable exceptions are Thanksgiving and Christmas.  They are family-and-friends time, time to gather with others around a table or in the living room and enjoy each other's company.

A few years ago, it was just the three of us - Jim, the kid and me - for Christmas.  It was nice, but it didn't feel like Christmas.  There should have been more people around the table; there should have been more people coming and going.  It was a little sad.

But this year I have family around; they have friends they are bringing around, too.  It feels good.  It feels like Christmas. 

So here I am in my happy place.  All the trappings of Christmas are present and accounted for - the tree, the lights, the music, the food.  But even better than that, the people are here.  My family is here. 

May you find yourself in your own happy place this Christmas. 

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