Thursday, October 20, 2011

And time gallops on

Again, it’s been a long time since my last post.  I mentioned to a friend the other day that the days just slip away, one after the other, and before I know it another week or month or – soon – another year has passed.  There always seems to be something to remind me just how quickly time passes and – sadly – how little I have to show for it.

It is easy to moan about the quick passage of time and the shortening of the days of my life – and believe me, I do moan and whine about it.   But it’s not all bad news.  Just think how quickly special occasions come around, or how quickly bad things pass.  It feels like I book holiday time and – whoosh – the first day of my holiday has arrived.  There are definitely some advantages to this middle aged problem of galloping time.

And speaking of galloping time, it’s almost time for that most wonderful time of the year – and I don’t mean the start of school* (although I have to say that the Staples commercial is one of the best around.  When my son was younger and the beginning of the school year rolled around, it was indeed the most wonderful time of the year).  I mean Christmas, of course – that most wonderful of seasons.   The music, the images, the trees, the lights … it seems to roll around faster every year, and I look forward to it as much as I ever did.  This year is no exception – I’m already thinking about how I’ll decorate the house. 

The music goes on and the decorations come out on Sunday, November 27 this year – the first Sunday of Advent.  I can hardly wait.  But then … the wait is never that long anymore.

* For those unsure of what I’m talking about – there is a television commercial for Staples, an office supply store, in which parents are dancing around the store, collecting school supplies for their sulky children, all to the strains of the Christmas song, It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.

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