Sunday, October 9, 2011

A lot to be thankful for

I just looked at the date of my last post and realized that it's been over a month since I added anything.  It's funny ... I've had snippets of things I intended to write running through my head for the last month but I've not taken the time or put in the energy to actually write them down.

What's happened is that I have been doing a lot - and I mean a lot - of writing at work recently.  Way more than usual.  I mean, most of what I do is write, with some occasional organizational stuff thrown in, but lately it's been days on end of writing and re-writing and re-re-writing and then - and perhaps this is the most difficult part - ending up with a finished product that pleases other people but leaves me feeling like there's something missing or that the piece is taking the wrong tone.  It's frustrating.  

There are, of course, lots of issues wrapped up in what's been transpiring - feeling that my work isn't valued, my opinon isn't valued, like I'm running around in circles.  The effect of all that writing is that I'm also feeling like I'm out of words, even for things I want to say. 

It's nice to have a weekend to recharge.  I feel like I'm recovering after only a day away from work. 

It helps, of course, that this is a long weekend and it's one focussed on giving thanks.  Our son is home, we'll be seeing other family and maybe some friends, and I have much to be thankful for.  The crap going on at work doesn't really matter that much.

It's good to change your focus every once in awhile.  I can very easily get caught up in the unimportant, such as the stuff I am doing at work.  That is not to say that what I'm doing at work is of no importance but, in the scheme of things, it's a lot less important than I allowed it to be.  Recently I let it take over how I functioned at home, how I felt about some people and how I felt about myself.  It's really not that big a deal.  That's easy to say now with even just a day's distance, but in middle of all the to-ing and fro-ing and re-writing and the time I took to be resentful it seemed bigger than it was.  Thank goodness for the opportunity to take a step back and refocus.

This weekend is Thanksgiving weekend.  As I already said, I have much to be thankful for - my family (I have to mention that Jim and I just had our 27th anniversary), my wonderful friends, my job (yes, despite my current frustration, I still love my job), my home, the ability to live well.  There's much more, of course, but I don't want to sit here and make a list.  The point is I'm thankful for it all.  It's amazing that I was lucky enough to be born in a time and place where all that is possible. 

May you have as much to be thankful for.

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