Saturday, March 31, 2012

Happy anniversary to me

I just looked back through my blog and noticed that I wrote my very first post on March 30 of last year - almost exactly one year ago.  Wow - time passes very quickly.

In my first post I said one of the reasons I started this blog was to talk about what I'm learning as I grow up into the world as it is now.  Hmmm.  I'm not sure I really did much of that.  I railed against new technology which is now, to me, pretty ordinary.  I may be a late adopter, but I adopt.

I have learned things I haven't written about here.  I've learned about how differently business runs now than it did 20 years ago.  I've learned that people, on the whole, are always plugged in in some way.  No one is "off" anymore - smart phones have made people accessible 24/7, and it seems no one wants to be inaccessible.  (I am an exception, of course.  Why would I want to be available all the time?)  I'm learning to let go of "the way we used to do it" and now become impatient with people saying "but that's how we did it last year".  I've learned that I can't sit at my desk - or anywhere else, for that matter - for an hour or two and expect to get up without some complaint from stiff joints.  

I was also going to use this blog to write, and not have to use anyone else's voice but mine.  I've found that because I write so much at work, I often can't face writing even more when I get home and have the chance to write here.   I have no intention of changing jobs so that will continue to be a problem for me, but I really do want to post more often ... this is a great outlet for me.

What I didn't want this blog to be is a place to just complain, complain, complain.  Oh, I know I've gone on about a few things, but I never want to get to the point where that's all I do.  It's easy enough to get into that rut especially as I'm turning positively grouchy and more intolerant as I get on in years.

Now I'm going into my seond year with this blog.  Here's what I want to be writing about in the next year.  I want to write more about food.  I love food.  As I've been going through recipes, I've been getting more interested in trying new things again.  I also want to touch more on what's happening in the world.  There is so much to talk about - crazy things, important things.  And I'd really like this to be a place where readers would feel free to comment or add to the discussion.  It would be nice if this was more a conversation than a monologue.

So happy anniversary to me, and thanks for checking in.

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