Thursday, August 29, 2013

Totally random

Today I thought I’d use the random word generator to help get me started on this post, but once again I was given a ridiculous word – grotesqueness.  For heaven’s sake – who programmed this?  Cheerlessness; grotesqueness – are there no cheerier words to spit out?

It’s almost the end of another summer and the beginning of what I consider to be the new year.  It’s hard to tell, though – we are having hot, sticky days and nights and it feels more like the middle of summer.  Except there’s something that makes it feel like fall is coming.  I can’t quite put my finger on it – is it that the sun is lower in the sky?  There’s a hint that leaves are turning soon?  Whatever it is, it’s making me anticipate fall and it’s making me happy. 

On a totally unrelated subject, I heard Paul McCartney’s new single – “New” – today.  If there was any doubt that Lennon was the more talented of Lennon-McCartney, this song would surely put that doubt to rest.  Why can’t old rockers quit while they’re ahead?  

And the last in a series of totally unrelated topics … why can’t the media finish what they start?  How many times do they get you into a story and then drop it when it ceases to be sensational so you never learn the outcome?  Why are celebrities who are famous only for being famous even news in the first place?  Do the media decide what they want you to know and who you should be reading about?  

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