Friday, September 6, 2013

Saviour wanted

It’s the end of the week and I still haven’t posted anything – the pressure is on.  I checked the random word generator for some help to get me started and it spit out ‘Bodhisat’.   

Believe it or not, I actually know this word, or at least a different form of the word - Bohdisattva – as it came up in a comparative religions course I took in university.  A Bodhisat is a Buddha-in-waiting – someone who has reached the highest degree of enlightenment – or saintship, if you want the word used in the dictionaries – and will become the Buddha in their next reincarnation.  I’ve always liked the word and the concept, but have wondered if Bodhisats actually know they will be the next Buddha.  Do people know they are enlightened?  Do they choose to be Bohdisats?  Do they want to be Buddha?  It’s a big job, and a thankless one - no one wants to listen. 

I’m sure all my questions would be answered if I was Buddhist or took the time to read a bit more.  I do know there have been 28 Buddhas and there’s another expected.  I actually find that kind of exciting.  Having grown up a big-C Christian (although that status is surely in doubt in the minds of some people), I was always taught that Jesus is *the* saviour – no others exist and no more are expected.  

Don’t you find that sad?  No one to show us where we’ve strayed?   No one to remind us what needs to be done?  No one to show us a better path?  

I like the idea of a saviour in the wings – I just don’t know how you’d recognize one.

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