Monday, December 2, 2013

Bumper stickers aren't always right

Another month has gone by - unbelievable.  The good news (for me) is that we're in the best time of the year - the Christmas season.  The music came out on the weekend and the outside lights and greenery are up, so there's a little something to get me into the festive mood.  Our house is in a bit of disarray, though, because we're having some work done, so I can't decorate just yet.  I hope that comes soon.

While I was out shopping yesterday, I noticed a bumper sticker I hadn't seen before - "The more I learn about people, the better I like my dog".  Or something like that.  It's a quote from Mark Twain.

At first I was amused because it made me think of the now-long-departed pooch - I like to remember him and think about his antics and how much pleasure (and frustration, if I'm honest) he brought to me and to my family.  

But think about what it says - animals are more lovable than people.  I suppose there's some truth in that - dogs are fairly predictable, they obey (well, not always, if I think about my dog), they love unconditionally and they know their place in their human pack.  They are also cuddly and soft.  What's not to love?

But is that better than getting to know and love people in all their complexity?  In finding the part of people that makes you glad you met them, even if you don't always agree with them or don't believe in what they stand for?  Don't you want people to get to know you and look beyond whatever walls you have built or masks you wear?   Personally, I don't like the idea that someone thinks their dog - as wonderful as their dog might be - is better to love than me.  Easier, maybe, but not better.

It's a cute saying but a sad statement. 

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