Monday, December 30, 2013

The end of another year

Another year is coming to an end.  The years do really slip by faster and faster, and when they are done they are just a distant memory, the events of the year just past blending with all the other years.  I sometimes find it difficult to remember when something happened – was it last year or two years ago or five?  I just know that it happened.
Thankfully, this past year was a huge improvement over the previous year for me – no health or medical issues, no huge emotional issues, no broken bones, no beloved pets being sent on their way to the next life.  All in all, a good year.
For the most part.  Unfortunately, bad things are happening in the lives of people I love, and those things have become part of my life and created some uncertainty, some fear, some sadness.  I wish better for them, and as I said to one, I don’t pray often, but I do pray for them.  I don’t know if it helps, but it’s a way I can feel I’ve helped at least a little.  A few positive thoughts can’t hurt.

While I don’t really believe the turn of a calendar page makes a difference in our lives, it  sometimes feels like it does.  For me it was the difference – almost from the first day of last year to the last – between a really bad year and a good year.  As this year draws to a close, I don’t feel there’s something waiting for me or is about to happen – like there’s going to be a difference – as the old year passes.  And that’s a good thing – it’s normal and that bodes well. 
What I do hope, for those experiencing pain, heartache, uncertainty or upheaval, is that there is a huge difference as we move from 2013 to 2014 and that the new year brings hope and relief.   The turn of the year is as good a time for that as any.  Better, maybe, because it’s imminent, and sooner is better than later. 

As I was writing this, I was thinking of specific people because I know how their lives are affected by their individual circumstances.  But as I think more about it, I want to leave this wish out there for anyone in trying circumstances.  Everyone deserves to have their uncertainties settled, their pain relieved, their grief lessened, their burdens lightened.

May the coming year be a good one for us all.    

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