Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Rain, Rain ....

We are into day four of what seems like an interminable run of rainy, dark, foggy, windy, cool days.  What had been spring turned into what feels like fall. 

Rather than complain about it – as you might expect I would – I’m beginning to embrace it.  There is real character to these kinds of days that doesn’t exist during fair weather. 

Over the past few days I’ve been happily reminded of past camping trips in the rain, when everyone emerges from their tents and trailers during a lull in the rain, and logs are split for the evening fires despite the threat of more rain.  I’ve been reminded of the gothic novels I loved to read as a girl, stories in which fog and rain shrouded the moors, bringing mystery and suspense and – for me - a shiver of excitement in anticipation of whatever was in store for the heroine.  I’ve been reminded of rainy fall nights when a pot of soup on the stove is the ultimate comfort food and the coziness that comes from being on the warm side of the window is the best feeling in the world.

I’m quite enjoying this run of rainy days.  I’m not sure I’ll say that if the rain and gloom continue much longer, but for now, it’s just fine.   

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