Saturday, May 7, 2011

Blogging is Hard Work

When I first decided to write this blog, I thought it would be easy.  I had this idea that I would sit down every other day or so, write something quickly and post it.  I had things in my head I wanted to let out, and this blog would be where that happened.  Turns out my head may be emptier than I thought.

I sit down sometimes, computer on lap, fingers poised on the keys and ... there I sit. I have thoughts and ideas, but I'm finding that they are harder to articulate than I imagined.  Either words fail me, or I wonder why anyone would want to read about this or that particular thing, or when I start to write I go off on a tangent.  I find I also have a habit of seeing both sides of things, which leaves me stuck without a clear opinion to write about.  

Some pretty signficant things happened this last week:  Osama Bin Laden was killed in Pakistan and the Conservatives got their majority government in Canada while a couple of parties were decimated.   Why am I not writing about those things - they are important. 

I have hesitated to write about either of them because I have very mixed feelings about one and very strong feelings about the other.  As far as the shooting of Bin Laden goes, yes, it's a good thing that he is gone and the world may be a safer place for it, but I have trouble with the idea that one country believes it has the authority - legal or moral - to deliberately hunt down someone they consider an enemy and kill him.  I'm still sorting through this one for myself.  I recall that when I read the headline that he had been killed, my initial reaction was "can they do that?"  I'm still wondering. 

Then there's the Conservative government majority that came out of the Canadian election this last week.  I have very strong feelings about it, and people who know me know how I feel about it, but I don't want to start spouting politics here.  I'll just say that, in my opinion, a conservative majority is bad news for Canada, and it was a sad day when it happened.  However, my philosophy for most things - good or bad - is "this too shall pass", so I'll just have to suck it up for at least the next four years.   According to a pollster I heard this past week, I may have to suck it up for the next eight years, which makes it a little harder to digest.

I find it interesting that I have talked about two significant events from the week and whittled them down into just a few sentences, yet last week I blathered on about food endlessly (or so it may have seemed to some).  I think it is obvious where my interests lie.  That, plus food is not at all controversial, where politics and world events can be.  I am, when I write, consciously trying to not offend.  Is that dishonest or just considerate?    I like to think it's the latter.  I am Canadian, after all; we don't like to offend. 

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