Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dog Days

It would be most un-Canadian of me to not even mention the weather.  I'm not sure if today's heat of 38 degrees with a humidex of 49 broke any records or not, but either way it's hot.  Darned hot.  Ridiculously hot.  Stiflingly hot. 

No one is outside, not even the usual groups of kids in the neighbourhood.  The grass has passed brown and is now crunchy yellow.  The dog can't do much beyond lay on the cool floor and pant.  The air conditioner can't keep up with heat and will be chugging away into the night before it cools things down enough to shut off.  I am whining about the heat as much as I whine about the cold in winter, but at least I'm not the only one - this heat is the topic of choice everywhere here in the Golden Horseshoe.

It's shaping up to be a long, hot summer.  I expect I'll complain through most of it, but I expect I'll also be sorry when the cold of winter imposes itself on us at the end of the year.  When that happens, I'll be fondly remembering these as the good 'ol days of summer.

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