Sunday, August 21, 2011

Vacation is over

We've just gotten back from a two-week vacation.  What a treat to have two weeks away from home responsibilities, dog responsibilities, work ... all the things that require routines.  It comes to an end tomorrow when it's back to normal and back to work.

I had forgotten how refreshing holidays can be.  Through all the years I was unemployed or underemployed, vacations were pleasant and a wonderful time to be together as a family; I always enjoyed them.  And I've always enjoyed the short breaks I've taken with my girlfriends or with Jim - they are a nice little change of pace from the everyday.  But now that I'm back at work, vacations are more than enjoyable - they are a necessity, and I didn't realize that until I actually took one.  This vacation has made me feel like I now have more to offer; my batteries are recharged. 

A few weeks ago, I had to formalize a plan for how to approach multiple projects that are underway and will continue til the end of the year.  Before I even left for holidays, I was dreading going back because I knew what I will face when I return.  And then the magic happened - the whole reason why vacations are important.  The total break from routine and a bit of travelling and visiting with family and old friends has given me a new perspective and a fresher outlook on everything.  I had a chance to think about what's ahead at work and how I want to do it, and now I'm looking forward to going in and moving in a slightly different direction than I originally intended.

Tomorrow I will groan when the alarm goes at 6 a.m.; I will look at the clothes in my closet and wish I had something different to wear.  That's part of my routine.  And then I will - with more enthusiasm than I've had for awhile - go in to the office and move forward with what awaits me there. 

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