Saturday, December 10, 2011

For your listening pleasure

In the spirit of the season (and I am very much in the spirit of the season this weekend - the tree went up, the house finally got decorated after a few delays and Christmas music has been on pretty much non-stop), I would like to share two YouTube videos with you.

The first video is Matt Andersen singing O Holy Night.  We saw Matt on a different night of the same tour and were totally blown away by his voice and his rendition of O Holy Night.  It's a little different - a little bluesy and very stirring.

The second video is one that was sent to me by my brother, who received it from his son. It's Sean Quigley singing Little Drummer Boy.  I started watching it and wondered what the fuss was about. By the end, though, I really, really liked it - it's simple and it's sweet.  Not sickly sweet; just ..... sweet. 

I hope you enjoy.

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