Monday, December 19, 2011

A White Christmas?

As much as I have bought in to the picture-perfect Christmas, the one part of the picture I can do without is the snow.  Snow means cold and I’m not a cold weather kind of gal.  I love a green Christmas.

Not green as in tropical; green as in leaves-off-the-trees, greenish grass, bare sidewalks and cool enough that you want a good fall jacket and a pair of mitts but you don’t need winter boots or a hat.  It doesn’t necessarily make for a pretty picture (although I do love that barren, somewhat bleak look), but it does make for a pleasant time to be outside and for safer roads for all the travelling that happens around the holiday.

From all accounts, there is almost no chance for a white Christmas in the Golden Horseshoe this Christmas.  The current forecast shows we may have a few flurries on Christmas, and that will make many people happy – what could be more perfect than light snow on Christmas?  I accept that this is the ideal for many and there will be at least two – possibly three – people in my house on Christmas who will think it makes the day perfect.  I have no problem with a little snow falling, as long as it doesn’t stick around.   Luckily for me, it’s also supposed to be mild, so the snow should melt as soon as it hits the ground.  That’s what makes me happy.

It looks like we can all have the Christmas we want.

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