Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Short Walk for a Better Future

This weekend I am participating in a walk for breast cancer. 

As a general rule, I am not a joiner into causes, however great the causes are.  I will make a donation, but I do not participate.  I don’t have any particular reason that I don’t participate, beyond laziness or lack of information or … well, I’m sure whatever else I come up with will just be an excuse.

This cause is different.  I am walking this year because I know too many women with breast cancer.  I know too many people whose lives are affected by breast cancer.  I don’t want to know any more, but statistically that’s not going to happen unless something changes.  And things won’t change until people like me start getting involved and are part of the solution.

So … my first-ever walk for breast cancer.  It’s not a long walk and I’m not raising a ton of money, but if I can contribute just a bit toward to a cure, I’ll gladly put my excuses aside this Sunday

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