Saturday, April 9, 2011


Today was the sort of day that makes you believe that spring may really have come to the Golden Horseshoe.  The air was warm, the breeze not so cool ... absolutely beautiful. 

While many people chose to go out and rake the lawn or take a walk or wash their car, I chose to take a drive.  I know - it seems like a waste of a nice day.  Not to my way of thinking.  A sunny day, some nice back roads, an interesting destination ... there's nothing better.  I love to drive, and I'm certainly living in the right part of the country to find a lot of wonderful roads and some lovely destinations.

There were a lot of other people on the roads today, too.  Motorcylists roared up and down the same roads I took.   Convertibles were numerous - have you ever noticed how many of them are driven by middle-aged - or older - men?  I passed numerous bicyclists and joggers ... there are so many ways to 'hit the road' and enjoy the spring weather.

Here's hoping the spring continues to unfold as it did today.  If I feel like it's here to stay, perhaps the raking might get done and the dust from some of those back roads might get washed off the car.

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